Hey there!_

Oleksandr Tryshchenko is here. I'm located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands 🇳🇱 and work for Personio as a Senior Engineering Manager. Also I have a side hustle in DNA SNP analysis Mooleq.com

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Conferences and meetups

Cheap React performance testing you can introduce over lunch Advanced.js, Amsterdam 1 May 2024
Challenges of scaling startups (panel) LEAD Seminar, Amsterdam 6 March 2024
Observability for Frontend Engineers React Amsterdam, Amsterdam 8 February 2024
Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends React Day Berlin, Berlin 8 December 2023
Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends Sydney Alt.Net (Online) 29 August 2023
Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends JS Eindhoven 10 May 2023
Challenges of Decomposing a Massive Front-End Using Micro-Frontends Advanced.js, Amsterdam 7 December 2022
Front-end Performance With Any Framework Amsterdam.js, Amsterdam 12 April 2022
We spent 5 years writing 10,000 front-end tests and got upset about that / React Amsterdam React Amsterdam, Amsterdam 06 October 2021
Why so hard? Node.js Wroclaw, Online 16 June 2020
How We Automated Testing, Got Rid of QA Engineers, And Survived CTM Berlin, Online 09 April 2020
Mobile Web Applications Can Be Performant Too Perf.now() meetup, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 30 November 2019
Building Futureproof PWA's Front-End Night, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 24 October 2019
React Context API as Your Next State Management System React Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 17 October 2019
Journey through hybrid mobile apps with JS JSDay, Verona, Italy 8-9 May 2019
Mobile-friendly web apps with Angular GDG Devfest Poland, Wroclaw, Poland 26-27 October 2018
Effective mobile applications prototyping with JavaScript Mobilization 8, Łódź, Poland 20 October 2018
Developing software in a team without pain Hacktoberfest Poznań, Poznań, Poland 13 October 2018
Web Accessibility in a Nutshell Grill.js, Wroclaw, Poland 19 August 2018
Building Performant API's with koa.js IT Talk Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland 22 March 2018
Building Performant API's with koa.js Node.js Berlin, Berlin, Germany 13 March 2018
Currying with Ramda React Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 06 February 2018
Currying with Ramda React Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland 30 January 2018
Functional Programming in JS With Monads WebDevBBQ @ mercedes-benz.io, Stuttgart, Germany 26 January 2018
Building Performant API's with koa.js Hannover.js, Hannover, Germany 25 January 2018
How to Measure and Improve Bot's Performance Bots Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 24 January 2018
KISS with HEXO Static Sites Berlin, Berlin, Germany 22 January 2018
Full Cycle of Telegram Bot Development Process with node.js IT NonStop Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland 18 November 2017
How To Improve Angular 2 Performance? JavaScript Frameworks Day 2017, Kiev, Ukraine 22 April 2017
Angular 2 On production IT Talk, Kiev, Ukraine 26 January 2017
P2P In The Browser IT Talk, Dnipro, Ukraine 28 April 2016
Web Animations Hillel Webinar, Online 02 February 2016
PHP7. What's New. PHP User Group 7, Dnipro, Ukraine 09 December 2015
ECMAScript 6 Explained Ciklum Speaker Corner, Dnipro, Ukraine 09 November 2015
Phalcon Framework on Production PHP User Group 5, Dnipro, Ukraine 24 June 2015

Articles and blog posts

Writing a Telegram Bot Step by Step Archive 2016-04-02
The Performance Testing of ES6 Generators, ES6 Promises and Callbacks Archive 2016-07-16
How I Structured English Tenses into JSON and Visalized It. Archive 2016-07-05
How to Migrate from Chart.js 1.X to 2.X Archive 2016-05-14
